Willkommen bei pro Passivhausfenster
Exciting Seminar on Serial Renovation of Large and Small Buildings
Can a detailed, serial renovation system for building envelopes and technical installations sustainably increase the renovation rate?
CNC Technologie im Fensterbau ohne teure Maschinen
Ein CNC gesteuerter Längenanschlag für den längenoptinmierten Zuschnitt der Holz- und Aluminiumteile bildet die Basis. Die aufwändige Fixierung der…
21st Open Days from June 28th to 30th : Passive House Day Participation 2024
Open Days at Passivhaus Freundorfer in Oberaudorf / Oberbayern
27th International Passive House Conference on 5 and 6 April 2024 - "Retrofit. Have an impact"
We are once again participating. Visit us at Booth No. 23. We will showcase the advancements in our new sliding door, smartwin sliding solar, and our…
smartshell reno and serial renovation presented at AK61 in Darmstadt
The Working Groups for Cost-Efficient Passive Houses are continuing their long-standing tradition, now in its 61st round. We are extremely pleased and…
EPD Environmental Product Declaration for smartwin partner "i2 Factory" Riga Latvia
We put all the environmental data on the table for our smartwin and are currently manufacturing the most consistently environmentally friendly window…
smartwin Japan presents the new window production to the public
"We show our end customers how smartwin windows are manufactured using state-of-the-art machines and yet energy-saving from local wood. Our employees…
26th International Passive House Conference 10 - 12 March 2023 - Efficiency NOW!
We have been there since the 3rd Passive House Conference in Bregenz. Franz Freundorfer and Wolfgang Hasper PHI talk about our new renovation system…
Jetzt schlägt's 13 in Deutschlands Gebäuden - Verbesserung der Gebäudehülle gestrichen => Bauministerin Geywitz tritt das 90%ige Einsparpotential in der Sanierung und das 80%ige im Neubau mit Füßen
Unser GF lässt den Sommerpausetrick der amtierenden Bauministerin Geywitz SPD nicht tatenlos durchgehen. Deutschland ist europaweit das Schlusslicht…
Tenth smartwin and smartshell partnermeeting at Topolcianky Slovakia 18th till 20th of Mai 2022 hosted by Natalia and Marian Dovhun
"After three years without meeting in person, we were able to fill up our motivation tanks again. The reunion was simply necessary and incredibly…
"CO2 Emissionen als der neue U-Wert des Fensters" - von Prof. Jörn-Peter Lass ift Rosenheim und TH Rosenheim
Wie sollen unsere Klimaziele errreicht werden, wenn selbst Institutsleiter und relevante Hochschullehrer nicht verstehen, worum es geht?
18. Tage des Passivhauses vom 05. bis 7. November 2021
Dieses Jahr arbeiten wir eng mit dem Passivhauskreis Rosenheim Traunstein e.V. zusammen - Klimaneutral Wohnen steht im Mittelpunkt.
25th International Passive House Conference September 2021 in Wuppertal - The key to sustainable buildings!
For the first time as a hybrid conference. Visit our virtual and our real booth.